Proton Pump inhibitors have been tied to a number of serious side effects, including kidney failure and chronic kidney disease. Patients who suffered these complications while using Nexium, Prilosec, PrevAcid or another proton pump inhibitor may be entitled to file a lawsuit to obtain compensation for damages related to their injury.
Bernstein Liebhard LLP is now providing free legal reviews to individuals who were diagnosed with acute interstitial nephritis, chronic kidney disease, or kidney failure while using any of the following prescription or over-the-counter medications:
To learn if you might be eligible to file a proton pump inhibitor lawsuit, please call (888) 994-5118.
Proton pump inhibitors are approved to treat problems associated with the excess production of stomach acid. These drugs are extremely popular, and are used by more than 20 million people in the U.S. However, some research suggests that many of these individuals are using proton pump inhibitors inappropriately, often for far longer periods than what is recommended. Long-term use of these drugs has been tied to a number of serious side effects, including:
Recent research also suggests that the drugs might increase the risk of other serious complications, including kidney problems, dementia and heart attacks.
In December 2014, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) ordered that new information regarding acute interstitial nephritis be added to the labels of all proton pump inhibitors. This condition is characterized by a sudden inflammation of the kidney tubules, and results in renal failure roughly 50% of the time. About 15% of hospitalizations for kidney failure are the result of nephritis.
In January 2016, scientists at Johns Hopkins University published a study in JAMA: Internal Medicine that suggested the use of proton pump inhibitors could increase the risk of chronic kidney disease by as much as 50%. The study followed 10,482 people for an average of 13.9 years, comparing those who used proton pump inhibitors to those who did not, or to patients using Zantac or other H2 blockers. Read More
In April of that year, another study published in Journal of the American Society of Nephrology reported that proton pump inhibitors appeared to increase the risk of kidney failure by 96% when compared to H2 blockers. The same study indicated that patients taking the drugs where 28% more likely to develop chronic kidney disease. The risk went up with higher doses and longer duration of use. Read More
Patients who were diagnosed with gastric, or stomach, cancer following long-term proton pump inhibitor use may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the drugs’ manufacturers.
The link between stomach cancer and proton pump inhibitors was suggested by a study published in the September 2017 issue of Gut. The research team noted that the bacterium responsible for gastric ulcers – H. pylori – was also a known risk factor for stomach cancer. They wanted to know why some patients went on to develop gastric cancer even after H. pylori had been successfully eradicated via triple drug therapy.
To do so, they followed 63,400 H. pylori patients who had undergone triple-therapy with a combination of a proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics over seven days between 2003 and 2012. All subjects were followed for an average of 7.5 years, ether until they developed stomach cancer, died, or the study’s conclusion in December 2015.
During follow-up 5% (3,271) of the subjects took proton pump inhibitors for an average of nearly three years. More than 21,700 took H2 blockers. During that period, 153 patients were diagnosed with stomach cancer following H. pylori treatment. While none of the cancer patients tested positive for the bacterium, all had chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining).
An analysis of the data suggested that:
Bernstein Liebhard LLP offers free legal reviews to individuals who may have suffered serious kidney damage, including nephritis, renal failure and chronic kidney disease, due to their use of a proton pump inhibitor. To schedule your review, please call (888) 994-5118.
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